Art lesson (10/26) Baa baa white sheep! We made sheep by tearing up bits of origami and sticking them on paper with glue!
Happy Birthday Hikari became 4 years old.👏We enjoyed guessing what is inside of the mystery box. What’s inside of the mystery box?? Her heart was pounding!!💓
Today’s Koala We enjoyed painting! Wonderful!! 今までは水筒がバスケット内で散乱していましたが…今ではこんなに丁寧に片付けることができるようになりました!👏👏👏
Today’s Koala class Singing lesson – “Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do”! Craft – We made jack-o-lanterns
Mini Sports Day 2020! It was a very windy day but we had lots of fun!🍃🍃 Our tug-of-war! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Cheering our friends on! Our ball-toss and ball pass game! Our sports day medals! Great job guys!
Cleaning our classroom We spent some time cleaning our classroom. Everything was sparkling clean afterwards!