Who’s ready for the dentist?

Warming up our singing voices!

We sang 「山の音楽家」and 「散歩」!

Finishing up our toothbrush craft!

Putting all of our baby teeth in

Let’s brush our teeth!

We’re all ready for our dental check-up tomorrow!

The eggs are changing colour! (7/21)

The caterpillars are getting bigger too and evolving! (7/20)

The black and white colour is to ward off birds and predators! It looks like 💩doesn’t it?😂

Welcome back Swallowtails! 🦋

Our very first art lesson!
Drawing our swirls
Painting the insides…
Dot dot dot! How did they turn out? Stay tuned!
The swallowtail butterflies are back this year! 🦋 They laid their eggs on our parsley leaves! (7/20)
Some of them hatched already and they’re VERY hungry! 🐛 (7/20)
Last year’s caterpillars! (October, 2019)

Pupation process time-lapse (November, 2019)


We hope we get to see our caterpillars turn into butterflies this year!🙏 🦋

New Taiko Rhythm!

Alternating our right and left hands! Great job guys!


最近クラスで流行っている歌です:「Muffin 」を自分の好きな食べ物などに変えてクラスで歌っています。Try singing it at home too!


“Do you know the Lollipop Man, the Lollipop Man, the Lollipop Man, do you know the Lollipop Man, who lives on Drury Lane.”

“Yes I know the Lollipop Man, the Lollipop Man, the Lollipop Man, yes I know the Lollipop Man, who lives on Drury Lane.”

Our first Singing and Swimming Lesson of the school year!

Using our big singing voices!
Singing together!
Looking a little nervous before going in!
We practiced going underwater with the swimming instructor!
Can you swim through the hoop?
Free time to play at the end! Look at the instructor’s water gun go!
Can’t wait to go again!