Dental Check-up! 🦷✨ We had our dental check-up and got a new toothbrush🪥 from the dentist! Open wide! Making a special card for a special someone! Run, run, run! Roll, roll, roll!
Drums and Carps! How fast can you drum?! Really fast! Riding bikes outside! Hanging up our carp streamers and making good use of our balcony.
First Lessons! We had our first drum, calligraphy and abacus lesson! We are also making our carp streamers for Children’s Day!
This Year’s Bean Throwing! 👹 Reading a story about all the demons that are inside of us! Let’s chase away the demons! We put our New Year decorations into our craft books.
This week’s Zebra Class! We finished stamping snowflakes and decorating our snowmen! We had our swimming test this week! Our January Birthday Girls!