Painting with lots of colours!Flowers, wavy lines, all sorts of shapes!Filling up the entire pages with colours! How will they turn out…? Wait and see!
We had our monthly evacuation drill! Today was a fire drill!We did some hand painting as wellWhat will it be…?We had fun playing with the giant beach ball!
Evacuated safely for our earthquake drill!Watching a demonstration on putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher! 🧯 Go Naomi-sensei!We had our July Birthday Party today!The birthday girl wanted a dog!A sword! 面!!
We practiced reading hiragana with Keiko-sensei! め・は・て!Our toothbrush crafts!Our dental check-up is next week! Who can brush their teeth properly?Brush, brush, brush!Climbing the play structure!It was a nice and cool day to be outside today!