Dental Check-up! 🦷✨ We had our dental check-up and got a new toothbrush🪥 from the dentist! Open wide! Making a special card for a special someone! Run, run, run! Roll, roll, roll!
See you later, Alligator! 🐊 🦋 Today was our friend’s last day at Kid’s Dream! We’ll miss you! Our zucchini flower! The leaves are getting bigger every day! 🦁🦓 Zebra Class group hug!
Our Seedling!🌱 We planted our zucchini seedlings today! Digging holes in the garden for the seedlings Resting nicely in our garden Good work guys! We played Bingo today in our Gakken lesson!
We’re Going On a Bear Hunt🐻 Our picture book for this year is Michael Rosen’s ”We’re Going On a Bear Hunt”. Feel free to watch the video with your kids and enjoy the story! 今年度のZebraクラスの英語絵本はマイケル・ローゼンさんの「きょうはみんなでクマがりだ」。体を動かしてクマがりへ行った気分で絵本を楽しんでいます。是非こどもたちと一緒に動画を観て、著者のストーリーテリングを楽しんでください!
Giant Ball Rolling! We practiced rolling giant balls for next month’s Sports Day! Listening to the rules Working together to go around the cone! Roll it together!
Spring Outing! We took a stroll near the school looking for flowers, bugs and clovers. We also had lots of fun playing games and enjoying our bento with ゆり class! Milkvetch bouquet! Assorted flower bouquet! ゆり Class Photo! Zebra Class Photo! Quick! Pass me the ball!
Vaulting Box Practice Finishing off with a nice smile and pose! Jumping over the box like a ninja! Ride the box like a horse!
Drums and Carps! How fast can you drum?! Really fast! Riding bikes outside! Hanging up our carp streamers and making good use of our balcony.
First Lessons! We had our first drum, calligraphy and abacus lesson! We are also making our carp streamers for Children’s Day!